Seafood OREGON is a cooperative marketing, promotion & education arm of the state’s four industry-funded seafood commodity commissions – The Oregon Albacore Commission, Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission, Oregon Salmon Commission and the Oregon Trawl Commission. For more information about the products, the fisheries and the industries we represent, please feel free to contact us via our individual web links.

Philippe Boulot, The Heathman Restaurant, created this tasty twist on deviled eggs.
Enjoy at holiday gatherings, or during the big game.
Blend all of the aioli ingredients in a food processor for 1 minute.
With the food processor on, add 1 cup canola or vegetable oil in a slow steady stream.
Add 2 T Meyer lemon oil. Adjust seasoning to taste.
Mix the reserved hard yolks with 3/4 cup aioli and ΒΌ cup crab body meat. Stuff the egg whites with this mixture.
Toss the crab legs in the remaining aioli, along with a sprinkle of paprika and chives.
Top each stuffed egg white with a crab leg.
Chill for 1 hour to set the eggs.
Serve on a platter